Cosmetic Trivia: Can Sebo de Macho Remove Scars?

Wednesday, February 16, 2022


Cosmetic Trivia: Can Sebo de Macho Remove Scars?

When I was a kid, whenever I got scrapes on my legs, my mom never failed to remind me to put sebo de macho on the affected areas if I don’t want to get unsightly scars on my legs. As much as I hate its scent (it stinks a lot), I religiously applied it on my scrapes every night, hoping to do its magic while I sleep. Now the big question is “can sebo de macho effectively remove scars?”.

The answer is NO. In contrast to the common belief, sebo de macho can only reduce (lighten) the appearance of scar so that it will blend to your skin's natural color, making it less noticeable. However, it won’t completely remove the scar like it’s never been there, most especially for thick raised scars like keloid.

Based on personal experience, I can vouch for the effectiveness of sebo de macho for its ability to lighten scars. The secret lies to the main ingredient of sebo de macho – pure mutton tallow. Mutton tallow refers to the processed fat of an adult sheep. In other words, it’s an animal-derived grease, thus the word sebo in its product name. It is said that the fatty acid composition of tallow is similar to the sebum found on the human skin. In fact, tallow has high concentration of oleic (47%), palmitic (26%) and stearic (14%) fatty acids. These fatty acids are responsible for reducing the appearance of scars. Wound heals faster and scar formation is minimized if the wound area is kept hydrated. The fatty acids in sebo de macho make it happen by forming an occlusive barrier on top of the skin to lock in the moisture. It is also very emollient (moisturizing) so as your wound heals, it softens and smoothens the wound area which could help in making the scar less noticeable.

To summarize, sebo de macho won’t remove scars but it can effectively reduce their appearance by consistently applying it on your newly healed wounds (yep, it won’t work on old scars). Just make sure that the sebo de macho you buy is made from 100% pure tallow to reap its scar reducing benefits.

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